Welcome to Room 18's blog

Welcome to FANTASTICOOO Room 18's Blog
Come and see Room 18's FANTASTICOOO work and learning experiences.


During Week 9 of Term 3, UHPS students invited their family members into their classrooms. Guests took part in a 'Sharing Our Learning' experience.

Each student shared their learning progression and their learning goals for each curriculum area.

Students then took their guests on a tour around the classroom, this was a
reflection on the different things we have been learning during school time.

Students showed their guests the school's iPad and they had the opportunity of having a go at some of our learning activities.

Room 18 created a guest book on the ActivBoard so our guests to leave comments about their experience. We had some really positive feedback.

Thank you to all guests for visiting Room 18 and allowing students to share their learning with you.

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